To be sure, there were still lessons learned and tips I will remember going forward. One snafu that could have potentially ruined the batch was avoided. Step 13 calls for the addition of priming sugar which ensures your beer carbonates after bottling. We prepared the sugar as directed but in our excitement to get it bottled nearly forgot to add it.
Just before bottling was to begin I noticed our sauce pan sitting on the stove and luckily had time to add it just before bottling commenced. The instructions call for the sugar to be added to your bottling bucket before transferring the wort so I was unsure if adding post-transfer would matter. As it turned out the beer was fine - just the right amount of fizz and, luckily, stirring in the sugar after it was added to the bottling bucket didn't introduce any contaminates.
Another change we will employ for batch 4 is switching our sanitizer. We had been using C-brite simply because that is what was included with my original kit. After a trip to my local homebrew supply shop I decided to switch to Star-San based on a recommendation by the owner. He said C-brite was a good product but he had better results with Star-San and as a no-rinse sanitizer produced no off-flavors. I found this debate online and it seems like there are a lot of Star-San fans out there in the homebrew universe.
I think one of the best things about brewing your own beer is sharing it with
Batch 4 is on deck to brew this weekend. Looking to spreading our wings a bit and move up to a more challenging recipe so stay tuned for the outcome. Happy homebrewing friends and thanks for reading. Comments are always appreciated.